FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ====================== Products affected: AXIS F44 Release date: 2015-06-05 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5.65.2 File name: F44_5_65_2.bin Preceding release: AMC version: Onvif support: Profile S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ==================== The firmware can be upgraded using Axis Camera Management, HTTP or FTP. Please follow the instructions from the user's manual, the web page at or the file named howtoupgrade.txt. New Features ============ 5.65.2:F01 Adds support for new sensor unit. 5.65.2:F02 Sensor unit id and status available in serverreport. Corrections in 5.65.2 since =================================================== 5.65.2:C01 The RS232 serial port can now be used in ACAP using axserialport. 5.65.2:C02 Privacy masks placed at the bottom of channel 3 and 4, or all the way to the right of channel 2 and 4 will be correctly placed in the quad channel. 5.65.2:C03 Identity Association now present in DHCPv6 SOLICIT messages. 5.65.2:C04 HTTP recipient URL not converted to lower case anymore. 5.65.2:C05 Plugged a socket leak in virtual I/O. 5.65.2:C06 Moved Moscow to GMT+3. 5.65.2:C07 Improved audio detection events. 5.65.2:C08 RTSP session id will not contain % token anymore. 5.65.2:C09 Video loss bit set in trigger data when sensor unit is disconnected. Known Bugs/Limitations ====================== 5.65.2:L01 The camera rotation setting on channel 1-4 has no effect on the image rotation in the quad view. 5.65.2:L02 Setting a fixed shutter time on a channel to a high value, for instance 2s, the other streams in the quad channel are limited by this setting regardless what they are set to. 5.65.2:L03 After inserting and removing a SD card formated with NTFS. The status is kept as failed. 5.65.2:L04 Custom Exposure windows is not visible in Chrome and Firefox. Please use Internet Explorer. 5.65.2:L05 To avoid corrupt recordings, it is recommended to unmount the SD Card before ejecting it. 5.65.2:L06 Private keys need to be in a PKCS#1 format in order to function when installing Certificates. 5.65.2:L07 For low contrast scenes, false positives or negatives may occur because there is not enough information for the Tampering alarm. 5.65.2:L08 The ipv6.class field will have the same value in all IPv6 packages. The class field value depends on the value of the DSCP setting. 5.65.2:L09 Reboot is necessary after enabling SOCKS. 5.65.2:L10 When changing active https-certificate, the device needs to be restarted before it becomes active. 5.65.2:L11 Time modifiers used in the field "Create folder" is only used upon activation of the rule, hence no new folders are created with the current time during an active rule. To have new folders created with time modifiers you should add them in the "Base filename". 5.65.2:L12 Longer connection disruptions towards the Network storage during playback of a recording from the Network storage may affect the possibilities to setup new video streaming also some time after reconnection. Ongoing live streaming will not be affected. 5.65.2:L13 The possibility to control individual streams in an aggregate session is removed. This means that a client that starts an RTSP session which includes both audio and video will not be able to pause only one of the medias while the other keeps streaming. If the client needs to do this then it must set up two separate RTSP sessions, one for the audio and one for the video. 5.65.2:L14 To be able to seek in exported mkv recordings you need to use AXIS Matroska File Splitter, see Files are playable both with and without AXIS Matroska File Splitter. 5.65.2:L15 If setting the video stream resolution to an unsupported value it's not possible to start streaming without specifying a valid resolution or correcting the video stream resolution to a supported resolution. 5.65.2:L16 SNMP OID that have been set are not kept after reboot. 5.65.2:L17 Once "Custom" Exposure Windows is chosen within the Java Exposure applet the browser login window keeps asking for credentials until you use root as login credentials. 5.65.2:L18 Backlight compensation settings removed. Supported AXIS VAPIX API Image Resolutions for AXIS F44 ======================================================= Dependent on connected sensor unit, different capturemodes are supported: 1080p sensor units: 1080p 1920x1080 (16:9) @ 15/12.5 fps 720p 1280x720 (16:9) @ 30/25fps 720p sensor units: 720p 1280x720 (16:9) @ 30/25fps Resolution Exceptions ========== ========== 1920x1080 2) 1280x720 1024x768 1024x640 854x480 800x600 800x500 800x450 640x480 640x400 640x360 480x360 480x300 480x270 1400x1050 1) 2) 960x540 1) 768x576 1) 720x576 1) 704x576 1) 704x480 1) 704x288 1) 704x240 1) 384x288 1) 352x288 1) 352x240 1) 320x240 1) 320x200 1) 320x180 1) 240x180 1) 240x135 1) 192x144 1) 176x144 1) 176x120 1) 160x120 1) 160x100 1) 160x90 1) 80x50 1) 1) Not visible in web user interface 2) Only possible with 1080p sensor units, 1080p 1920x1080 (16:9) @ 15/12.5fps 3) 720p 1280x720 (16:9) @ 30/25fps