Product Name: AXIS IPP Gateway Configuration Snap-in for iPrint ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: An Installation and configuration tool for AXIS Print Servers in Netware 5.x iPrint environment Product version: 1.0 Files: AxisIPP.jar AxisIPP.xml AxisIPPGatewayTemplate.htt InstallAxisIPP.BAT ReadMe.txt Install AXIS IPP Gateway Configuration Snap-in for iPrint 1. Shutdown Tomcat and the web server on the file server Type "NSWEBDN" Type "TOMCAT33 -STOP" Type "NVXADMDN" 2. Map next available drive (i.e. G:) to the root of volume SYS on your server. Run the batch file AxisIPP.bat (default G:) Check that each line in the batch file executed without failure. 3. Restart Tomcat and the web server on the file server. Type "TOMCAT33" Type "NVXADMUP" Type "NSWEB" :2200/eMFrame/iManager.html 3. Click on iPrint Management on the left pane 4. Click on Create Printer 5. Choose a name of your own for the printer 6. Choose the context where the printer will be installed 7. Browse to NDPS Manager 8. In the gateway type drop-down list, choose the Axis IPP Gateway Configuration. Press Next. 9. In the Printer URL, you may choose either the IPP version 1.0 format, i.e.: http://:631/lptx or the IPP version 1.1, i.e.: ipp:///lptx, where x is the port number. Replace lptx with USBx, if using an USB print server. Press Next 10. Select default drivers for your printer. Press Next and OK