Product Name: AXIS LPR Gateway Configuration Snap-in for iPrint ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: An Installation and configuration tool for AXIS Print Servers in Netware 5.x/6.x iPrint environment Product version: 1.0 Files: AxisLPR.jar AxisLPR.xml AxisLPRGatewayTemplate.htt InstallAxisLPR.BAT ReadMe.txt Install AXIS LPR Gateway Configuration Snap-in for iPrint: 1. Shutdown Tomcat and the web server on the file server Type "NSWEBDN" Type "TOMCAT33 -STOP" Type "NVXADMDN" 2. Map next available drive (i.e. G:) to the root of volume SYS on your server. Run the batch file AxisLPR.bat (default G:) Check that each line in the batch file executed without failure. 3. Restart Tomcat and the web server on the file server. Type "TOMCAT33" Type "NVXADMUP" Type "NSWEB" :2200/eMFrame/iManager.html 3. Click on iPrint Management on the left pane 4. Click on Create Printer 5. Choose a name of your own for the printer 6. Choose the context where the printer will be installed 7. Browse to NDPS Manager 8. In the gateway type drop-down list, choose the Axis LPR Gateway Configuration. Press Next. 9. Choose either IP address or DNS Name for your Print Server. 10. Under Printer name, select the physical printer port, i.e. LPT1, LPT2 COM, USB1, USB2 or logical printer port pr1-pr8 using the drop-down list. Press Next 11. Select the default drivers for your printer. Press Next and OK