FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ====================== Products affected: AXIS Q6045 Release date: 2015-03-05 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5.70.1 File name: Q6045_5_70_1.bin Preceding release: AMC version: Onvif support: Profile S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ==================== The firmware can be upgraded using Axis Camera Management, HTTP or FTP. Please follow the instructions from the user's manual, the web page at or the file named howtoupgrade.txt. New features ============ 5.70.1:F1 Firmware 5.70 extends the ACAP SDK which gives new possibilities to develop ACAP’s. It is also possible to enable multiple ACAP applications to run simultaneously. 5.70.1:F2 Axis is now extending SNMP with AXIS Video MIB (Management Information Base). The Video MIB enables notification of a number of possible disruptions in Axis products such as fan failure, temperature limits, storage disruptions, tampering, video/audio connectors disconnect, etc via SNMP traps. Available traps depend on the Axis product. A MIB is released for Axis products. See for more information. 5.70.1:F3 Axis firmware now has the ability to auto-format an SD card to a specified file system upon insertion. This will allow an easy installation of a new SD card that will be formatted automatically to a preselected file system, mounted and recording will be resumed. 5.70.1:F4 Edge Storage recording makes it possible to indicate, e.g. on the Live view, that an edge storage recording is ongoing. This allows the operator to be notified if a recording of scene is ongoing or not. 5.70.1:F5 The Live View page is updated with responsive design and scales with different screen resolutions and browser window sizes. This will allow the user to always see the complete page without the need to scroll. 5.70.1:F6 For all megapixel products, a new default viewing profile for HDTV resolution has been added. This viewing profile is visible in the Live View and is beneficial for demonstration purposes. 5.70.1:F7 The Export Video Clip capability enables the export of recordings directly from the camera to a PC or a smartphone. Select the wanted portion of an Edge Storage recording from your camera and export them as playable video file to a client. The exported recording will be one playable matroska file. 5.70.1:F8 SSH command line interface to the products that may be used for specific support and maintenance activities was introduced in 5.50. SSH is now the only supported protocol to establish a connection and telnet is not supported anymore. SSH is not enabled by default but can be activated by an API. 5.70.1:F9 A new PTZ parameter (AdjustableZoomSpeedEnabled) for enabling/disabling adjustable zoom speed has been added to PTZ cameras. 5.70.1:F010 Secure FTP (SFTP) is now supported allowing a more secure file transfer method. 5.70.1:F011 Edge Storage robustness is improved with features to detect and repair faults due to unexpected loss of storage media. 5.70.1:F012 Storage limit offers a possibility to control how much storage space may be used for recordings. This is available via VAPIX. 5.70.1:F013 Axis network cameras now support NAS drives over 2TB. 5.70.1:F014 Storage manager collects information about SD card usage. Corrections in 5.70.1 since ========================================= 5.70.1:C01 Ongoing recordings will be accessible and possible to download from the web interface after a restart initiated in the web interface. 5.70.1:C02 Select "Use Temporary Mode" if temporary files during ftp upload is wanted. 5.70.1:C03 The default text overlay size is now set to medium to make the text readable on high resolution cameras. 5.70.1:C04 Privacy masks marking will be aligned to the marking regardless of capture mode and selected resolution when saving the settings. 5.70.1:C05 Improvements in setup of new video streaming towards network storage after longer connection disruptions. 5.70.1:C06 It is possible to use "Play from start" offset on the Play Recording page for ongoing recordings. 5.70.1:C07 Power over Ethernet negotiation is improved. 5.70.1:C08 All emails will include a final boundary when an Action rule is sending out multiple emails for one trigger. 5.70.1:C09 Camera ID can now be set from 0. 5.70.1:C10 Guard tours interrupted by a pan, tilt or zoom movement triggered by the operator is now resumed immediately after the interruption stops. 5.70.1:C11 It's now possible to have recurrence in seconds. 5.70.1:C12 Startup time is not affected if a network share is mounted. Known Bugs/Limitations ====================== 5.70.1:L01 When the automatic IR cut filter enables/disables the IR cut filter, it may trigger motion detection. 5.70.1:L02 Automatic IR Cut Filter will not work if Auto Iris is off. 5.70.1:L03 To be able to use all parts of the image in a View Area use the 4:3 Aspect Ratio for the View Area. 5.70.1:L04 Recording streams to SD Card with a total bit rate above 12Mbit/sec may cause missing frames/sequences. 5.70.1:L05 To avoid corrupt recordings, it is recommended to unmount the SD Card before ejecting it. 5.70.1:L06 Private keys need to be in a PKCS#1 format in order to function when installing Certificates. 5.70.1:L07 For low contrast scenes, false positives or negatives may occur because there is not enough information for the Tampering alarm. 5.70.1:L08 Detector limitations * Only one instance of the detectors "object removed", "enter/exit", "fence" and "counter" can be activated at the same time. * Adjust the object size to the size of the objects to be detected. * The detected size might differ from the actual size, depending on the shape of the object. * Up to 16 detected objects can be displayed at the same time. * The video analysis capability may degrade in the following conditions: - The object is close to the camera. - The object color or brightness is similar to the background. - A major scene change. - The object is hidden behind other objects. - Two or more objects overlap. - The object is moving too fast. - Reflection, blur or shadow due to direct sunlight, illumination or headlamps. - Severe snow, rain, wind, dawn or dusk. 5.70.1:L09 IR-cut filter will block in day-mode if it switches on/off multiple times within 5 minutes in order to protect the hardware. The IR-cut filter will unlock again after detecting bright conditions or a user resend the "auto IR-cut" command. 5.70.1:L10 Reboot is necessary after changes to SOCKS such as enabling/disabling and parameter changes. 5.70.1:L11 When changing an active https-certificate, the product needs to be restarted for the new certificate to be applied. 5.70.1:L12 When upgrading to firmware 5.70, the Edge Storage database might take a couple of minutes to migrate to the new database system. Make sure not to remove power or SD card during the first few minutes after upgrading the device. Edge Storage recordings used with 5.70 products will not show recordings when downgraded to previous firmware. The recordings will however still be present on the card but not accessible. 5.70.1:L13 Time modifiers used in the field "Create folder" is only used upon activation of the rule, hence no new folders are created with the current time during an active rule. To have new folders created with time modifiers you should add them in the "Base filename". 5.70.1:L14 Custom Exposure windows is not visible in Chrome and Firefox. Please use Internet Explorer. 5.70.1:L15 To be able to seek in exported mkv recordings you need to use AXIS Matroska File Splitter, see Files are playable both with and without AXIS Matroska File Splitter. 5.70.1:L16 If setting the video stream resolution to an unsupported value, it's not possible to start streaming without specifying a valid resolution or correcting the video stream resolution to a supported resolution. 5.70.1:L17 SNMP OID that have been set are not kept after reboot. 5.70.1:L18 Video motion detection will detect objects hidden behind privacy masks. 5.70.1:L19 The NO VIDEO text overlay will not be shown during startup and shutdown of the camera. 5.70.1:L20 Once "Custom" Exposure Windows is chosen within the Java Exposure applet the browser login window keeps asking for credentials until you use root as login credentials. 5.70.1:L21 The pixel counter scales with the video in when streaming H.264 video via AMC which may make it hard to use. 5.70.1:L22 A limitation in the image sensor causes a thin black horizontal line at the bottom of the image. 5.70.1:L23 Pan limits set using VAPIX are not reflected using ONVIF. 5.70.1:L24 Area of interest is not shown during reconfiguring of detectors created when the camera was configured with a different video rotation setting. 5.70.1:L25 The live stream is not updated when using tilt arrows in some revisions of Internet Explorer 9. The stream will update again once the mouse pointer is not hovering over the arrow icon. 5.70.1:L26 Current iris setting indicator is not shown in automatic iris mode. 5.70.1:L27 Using special characters § ½ ! £ \ ” @ [ ] ’ $ ¤ {}& * ? ^¨~+ =´ ` < > | , ; : in the upload folder name will not work as expected. 5.70.1:L28 After uploading a new application, the installed applications list web page needs to be manually reloaded for it to be updated. 5.70.1:L29 For the Java Applet viewing to work with Java 7 update 51 and later add the camera URL to the exception list as per: 5.70.1:L30 IR-cut filter will lock in day-mode if it switches to on/off multiple times within 5 minutes in order to protect the hardware. The IR-cut filter will unlock again after detecting bright conditions or if the user resends the "auto IR-cut" command. 5.70.1:L31 It's not possible to set the RTPS timeout in the URL specifying the stream. The default value of 120 seconds will always be used. Supported AXIS VAPIX API Image Resolutions for AXIS Q6045 ============================================================== Resolution Exceptions ========== ========== 1920x1080 2) 1280x720 800x450 480x270 320x180 1280x960 1) 2) 1024x768 1) 1024x576 1) 800x600 1) 768x576 1) 720x576 1) 704x576 1) 704x480 1) 640x480 1) 640x360 1) 704x288 1) 480x360 1) 704x240 1) 384x288 1) 352x288 1) 352x240 1) 320x240 1) 240x180 1) 192x144 1) 176x144 1) 176x120 1) 160x120 1) 160x90 1) analyze 1) 1) Not visible in web user interface 2) 1080p