
                      NEW SOFTWARE RELEASE

        Product involved:       AXIS 370 Cobra (0052-1)

        Release date:           March 2, 2001

        Release type:           TEST

        Software version:       1.01.7

        Software media:         Flash PROM image file, 135184 bytes

        Emulator Versions:
        Coax:                   1.01.7 (709E)

        Last preceding release: 1.01


        Release Description:
        This description contains changes since 1.01



        - Two new printer drivers added:
          58 - KYOCERA FS PCL5
          59 - KYOCERA FS PCL5e

        - The power up sequence (#060) modified in printer banks 58 and 59.

        - The MPI-style suppression is now separated in LU1 and LU3.

        - Transparency and configuration characters does not affect the print
          position during extended emulation mode 3.

        - When End of Job Time-out (#139) has expired Start of Job Sequence
          (#151), Power-Up Sequence (#060) and current emulator settings will
          be sent to the printer before next job.

        - Centronics signal SelectIn (pin 36) is inverted.

        - Switching between Right-to-Left and Left-to-Right printing in LU-3 
          mode is now handled correct.


        - Timing on the paralell port is adjusted.

        - LU1 FM Headers split over chained coax buffers are now handled.

        - LU 1 PS handling bug corrected.

        Best regards,


        FLASH LOADING OF AXIS 370 Cobra

        Equipment needed

        * Compatible PC 286 - 486
                640 Kbyte memory, DOS ver. 3.3 or newer
        * Flash loading cable (14510)
                1 Power supply
        * AXIS 370 Cobra including power supply
        * File with firmware to be loaded

        How to load software

        No specific software is needed for the flash load. Software is
        distributed as one single file with built in loading capabilities.

        Step by step description

        * Attach the flash loading cable to the PC.

        * Attach the power supply to the flash loading cable at the PC.

        * Plug in the AXIS 370 Cobra to the flash loading cable.

        * Attach the power supply to the AXIS 370 Cobra.

        * Start the loading sequence with the DOS command:
          copy /b "firmware file" LPTx
          Note! Do not forget the /b (for binary) switch in the copy command.

        How to monitor the loading procedure

        * When start loading, the system led will start flashing with a rate
          of 2 Hz (loading time approx. 20 - 30 sec).

        * After the down load the flash rate will be 0,25 Hz.

        After software down load

        * Disconnect the power supply and the flash loading cable from the
          AXIS 370 Cobra.

          NOTE !!!
          The AXIS 370 Cobra will reset the entire configuration to default
          values at first power-on with this new software installed.