
Products involved: AXIS StorPoint CD for Ethernet
                    AXIS StorPoint CD/T for Ethernet
                    AXIS StorPoint CD/T Dual SCSI for Ethernet
                    AXIS StorPoint CD/T 100 for Fast Ethernet
                    AXIS StorPoint CD/T 100 Dual SCSI for Fast Ethernet

 Release date:      December 7, 1998

 Release type:      Production

 Software version:  4.27

 File name:         cde_427.bin
 File size:         2,173,620 bytes

 Last preceding
 release:           4.26


 Added features in version 4.27:

4.27:1.	 SMB: New dialect supported
    	 The dialect NT LM 0.12 is now supported. This is the same dialect
    	 Windows NT Server 4.0 uses. Supporting this dialect fixes problems
    	 reading .INF-files from for example the Windows 95 CD-ROM.

4.27:2.	 SMB: Map drive using DNS name
    	 It is now possible to map a drive on the CD-ROM server using
    	 NET USE and DNS names (e.g. NET USE ... \\\root).

4.27:3.	 NetWare: DS.NLM version 5.99
    	 Compatibility with DS.NLM version 5.99 has been verified. There were
    	 no compatibility problems found. The CD-ROM Server is now using version
    	 5.99 as default.

4.27:4.	 NFS: Network Lock Manager (NLM)
    	 The Network Lock Manager Protocol version 3 is now supported.
    	 This service makes advisory DOS 3.1 file sharing and locking
    	 possible. Some clients (i.e. InterDrive 4.0 for Windows 95/NT)
    	 uses this protocol in conjunction with NFS 2 by default.
    	 This service will also prevent the "No network locking" 
    	 messages on Solaris clients.


 Corrected problems in version 4.27:

4.27:5.	 NetWare: Support for new clients from Novell
    	 Support for clients up to the following version has been added:
      	 Novell Client 3.0 for Windows 95/98
      	 Novell Client 4.50 for Windows NT.

4.27:6.	 NetWare: VLM client wildcard problem
    	 The VLM client could not list files without extensions if a wildcard
    	 was used. The problem has been fixed.

4.27:7.	 NetWare: Incompatibility with Revelation database
    	 The revelation database used unsupported commands against the
    	 CD-ROM server. When the CD-ROM server reported that these commands
    	 were not supported, the Revelation database failed. Support for
    	 these commands has been added.

4.27:8.	 NetWare: Windows 95, Client 32 & Axis Online CD
    	 A bug caused a file scan to return an invalid match. This broke the
    	 MacroMedia application used on the Axis Online CD.

4.27:9.	 NetWare: Memory leak
    	 When a bad packet (in this case a packet whose size was less than what
    	 the IPX header said) was received and discarded, the allocated packet
    	 memory was never freed. This resulted in a memory leak. Although
    	 this problem almost never occurs in most networks, it resulted in 
    	 very serious stability problems in networks that has a lot of packets
    	 of this type.

4.27:10. NetWare: NDS lockup
    	 A lockup problem that could cause a NDS-aware client request to freeze
    	 and never return has been fixed. 

4.27:11. SMB: Problem displaying international characters from Joliet CD-ROM:s
    	 The server had errors in it's translation between the IBM 850 character
    	 set and the ISO8859-1 character set. These problems have been fixed
    	 and international characters should now be correctly displayed.

4.27:12. SMB: File system type was not reported
    	 Windows Explorer reports the file system type for mapped drives when
    	 viewing the properties for the drive. The CD-ROM server did not report
    	 any file system type. Reporting the file system type is a feature of 
    	 the NT LM 0.12 dialect. Now that this dialect is supported, the CD-ROM 
    	 server will report CDFS as file system type.

4.27:13. SMB: Long file names
    	 Long file names are truncated for clients that are bound by the 8+3
    	 naming convention. These files sometimes appeared with corrupt names
    	 and could not be read. This problem has been corrected.

4.27:14. HTTP: Server crash when listing access rights for CD-ROM:s
    	 In extremely rare circumstances, the server could crash when listing the
    	 'CD-ROM Rights' page (under Management). This problem has been corrected.

4.27:15. TCP/IP: Ping and IP address change
    	 IP-address changing using ARP and PING is now active for the first half
    	 hour after the system has started. This change will make it easier to
    	 set the IP address using this method.

4.27:16. TCP/IP: Fixed problem with icmp redirect.
    	 Net directed redirects would change the default gateway. Now all
   	 redirects are treated as host redirects.

4.27:17. SCSI: Problem reading some discs
    	 A problem that affected primarily Multi-Session CD-R:s with many very
    	 small sessions has been corrected.

4.27:18. SCSI: Pioneer DVD-ROM drive not found on SCSI ID 0
    	 A small timing problem on the SCSI bus made the drive not show up when
    	 configured on SCSI ID 0.

4.27:19. SCSI: Pioneer Changer DRM-624X
    	 Disabled read-ahead cache and simultaneous use of multiple LUN:s. This
    	 fixes some problems with corrupt files.

4.27:20. File System: Added support for short Joliet names
    	 On a Joliet CD-ROM, it's now selectable whether the short or the long
    	 file names should be used for a particular Joliet CD-ROM. This fixes
    	 some problems with older network clients that don't support long names.
    	 This is controlled by a new parameter: UseShortJolietFileNames (yes/no)
    	 in the volume files.

4.27:21. Ethernet: Hanging ethernet controller
    	 Under some special circumstances, the ethernet controller would stop
    	 receiving data. This problem has been fixed.

4.27:22. Ethernet: Memory leak
    	 In networks with _very_ little traffic a memory leak appeared. This
    	 problem only affected StorPoint CD100.

4.27:23. Ethernet: 100MBit
    	 Fixed a problem (for 100 MBit Ethernet products) that made the MAC
    	 (hardware layer) echo an incoming packet instead of sending the
    	 outgoing packet.

4.27:24. TokenRing: System did not start when not connected to the network
    	 The system would not start up if the unit was not connected to the
    	 TokenRing network.

 Added features in version 4.26:

4.26:1.	 SMB: Map server using it's IP address
    	 It's now possible to map the CD-ROM Server using it's IP address
    	 instead of it's NetBIOS name (e.g. MAP \\\root ).

4.26:2.  SCSI: Support for advanced LUN expanders and caching boards
    	 Support has been added for the RSSI caching boards emulating a SCSI-3
    	 device, e.g. RS955-37 which can present up to 10 SCSI LUN:s combined
    	 from several separate SCSI devices and their LUN:s. The CD-ROM server
    	 can now recognize this unit and poll up to 64 LUN:s during the boot
    	 sequence. A hidden parameter, MaxLun (in the SCSI group), has been
    	 added to facilitate this functionality.

 Corrected problems in version 4.26:

4.26:3.	 TCP/IP: Time to live
    	 The Time-To-Live (TTL) for TCP/IP packets were set differently for
    	 different protocols. The default TTL has been set to 64 for all
    	 protocols. The inconsistency could have caused problems on _very_
    	 large networks, like the Internet or multinational corporate networks.

4.26:4.	 Ethernet: Compensation for Cisco router bug
    	 The Cisco router filled in the 802.2 frame incorrectly and the
    	 CD-ROM server discarded some packets. These incorrect packets are
    	 now allowed and Cisco routers no longer cause problems.

4.26:5. 	 NetWare: Not_logged_in connections
    	 The algorithm for determining which not_logged_in connections that
    	 should be thrown out has been modified. The server should no longer
    	 keep connections from some special clients.

4.26:6.	 NetWare, NFS: Wrong path showed up in DOS and some Unix shells
    	 When using NetWare and 16-bit applications, like MS-DOS, the
    	 path in the prompt occasionally showed a different name for the
    	 CD-ROM in the path than what was expected. This could cause
    	 applications to stop functioning. This problem did not affect
    	 32-bit applications.

4.26:7.	 SMB: NBT crash when WINS was not used
    	 A instability problem concerning session setup to the CD-ROM server
    	 has been fixed.

4.26:8.  SMB: Login performance when using User Level authentication
    	 The login procedure has been optimized. A typical login took around 4
    	 seconds. This is now reduced to approximately 0.3 seconds.

4.26:9.  SMB: System crash when using User Level authentication
    	 Several simultaneous login attempts could cause the server to crash
    	 when it tried to verify passwords against the domain controller for
    	 multiple users at the same time.

4.26:10. SMB: Unable to access server when using User Level authentication
    	 Sometimes a Windows NT 4.0 client would not supply a user name when
    	 attaching to the CD-ROM server. This made the user validation process
    	 fail and the user could not access any directories on the server.

4.26:11. HTTP: The HTTP Wizard was not accessible using MS IE 4.0
    	 A bug in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 made it impossible to
    	 access the HTTP Wizard. This bug has been circumvented.

4.26:12. TCP/IP: DHCP would not work with OS/2 Warp
    	 The DHCP request was missing the END option. This was required by
    	 OS/2 Warp's DHCP server. The END option has been added.

 Added features in version 4.25:

4.25:1.  Installation Wizards
    	 The quick installation page has been replaced by several installation
    	 wizards that will guide the administrator through the installation in
    	 different environments. In the NetWare wizard the NDS installation is
    	 done by browsing the actual tree. This greatly simplifies the NDS 
    	 installation procedure.

4.25:2.	 Web administration improved
    	 CD-ROM:s can now be ejected and locked easily through the management
    	 pages in the web administration.

4.25:3.  Common password for entire server
    	 The administrator passwords in NetWare, HTTP, FTP, SMB and SNMP has
    	 now been replaced with a single password, located in the Server

    	 Note: The new password will have the default value 'PASS'. Don't
         forget to change this after the upgrade.

4.25:4 	 SMB: Workgroup name autodetection
    	 The SMB workgroup name 'Domain/Group name' is no longer by default
    	 set to WORKGROUP. The new default value is empty, which means that
    	 autodetection should be used. During startup, the CD-ROM server 
    	 now picks the first workgroup name (alphabetically) found on 
    	 your network.

4.25:5.  ISO 9660 compliance level 3
    	 By adding support for ISO compliance level 3, the CD-ROM server can
    	 now read CD-ROM:s written using packet-writing technology, an
    	 increasingly more popular method. Adaptec DirectCD is one of the
    	 programs that use packet-writing.

 Corrected problems in version 4.25:

4.25:6.	 SMB: Using Backup Domain Controllers
    	 Previously, the CD-ROM server only used the Primary Domain Controller
    	 (PDC) to authenticate users. This caused performance problems during
    	 login and in some cases login was not possible (if the PDC was not

4.25:7.  SMB: DOS LAN Requester
    	 The DOS LAN Requester client didn't work with the CD-ROM server. This
    	 problem has been corrected.

4.25:8.  SMB: DAVE Client version 2
    	 DAVE 2.0 is now supported by the CD-ROM server.

4.25:9.  SMB: SCSI alias when using SMB User Level access control
    	 The first user connecting to a volume using SCSI alias would get 
    	 incorrect rights. This problem has been corrected.

4.25:10. SMB: Warning message in event log on NT servers and workstations
    	 The following message would be displayed in the event log when 
    	 connecting to the CD-ROM server:
    	 "The time zone bias calculated between XXXXXXXX and the current 
     	 workstation is too large.  The data specifies the number of 100ns
     	 units between the workstation and server.  Make sure that the time
     	 of day on the workstation and server are correct."
    	 This problem has been corrected. Make sure that the clock is set 
    	 correctly though.

4.25:11. SMB: User level group and user names with international characters
    	 International characters (in ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 and IBM 850) are 
    	 now supported in group and user names.

4.25:12. SMB: User level group names and NetBEUI
    	 In some cases the group names read from the domain controller at
    	 login time were corrupted and this caused problems with access rights.
    	 This only affected NetBEUI and the problem has been solved.

4.25:13. SMB: Caching of writeable files
    	 The CD-ROM server accidentally granted an oplock to writeable
    	 files on the CD-ROM server. This caused the files to be cached
    	 on the client. This caused problems with the WinPoint utility.

4.25:14. SMB: Processing CD-ROM mapping in logon scripts
    	 A Windows95 client processing a logon script would get an 
     	 'access denied' when trying to map the CD-ROM server using
    	 'NET USE' in the script. The problem has been fixed.

4.25:15. SMB: Illegal directory scanning (Fix for Westlaw 'Premise' software)
    	 The CD-ROM server crashed when a client scanned for files in a
    	 directory when the directory was actually a file.
    	 The problem has been fixed.

4.25:16. NetWare: NDS installation problem 1
    	 Schema extension sometimes failed with error code 0xFFFFD60. This
    	 problem has been fixed.

4.25:17. NetWare: NDS installation problem 2
    	 After a reinstall the CD-ROM server would sometimes refuse to accept
    	 NDS login:s and on Novell File server consoles a message 'Could not
    	 authenticate to server xxxxx due to synchronization restrictions'.
     	 This problem has been solved.

4.25:18. NetWare: NDS installation problem 3
    	 NDS installation in containers with international characters is
    	 now supported.

4.25:19. NetWare: Saving rights to file
    	 This feature now supports both DOS and LONG name spaces. The
    	 parameter can now be in mixed case (previously only upper case
    	 names were accepted).

4.25:20. NetWare: Accessing last LUN on last ID on bus B on Dual SCSI server
    	 This crashed the CD-ROM server. The problem has been fixed.

4.25:21. NetWare: not_logged_in connections in statistics file
    	 Some inactive connections were not thrown out the way they should.
    	 This problem has been corrected.

4.25:22. NetWare: Unable to communicate messages on file server console
    	 The message 'Unable to communicate with server xxxxxxx' showed up
    	 on the console of Novell 4.11 file servers once every two hours.
    	 This didn't actually cause any problems, but was very annoying.
    	 This cosmetic bug has been corrected.

4.25:23. NetWare: NetWare/IP not working with Client32
    	 In some cases a Client32 NetWare client refused to connect to the
    	 CD-ROM server. This problem has been fixed.

4.25:24. SCSI: Startup problems with Dual SCSI
    	 Some configurations would cause the CD-ROM server to freeze during
    	 the startup sequence. The problem has been fixed.

 Best regards

 Axis Communications AB