FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ====================== Products affected: AXIS 241SB Video Server Release date: 2005-10-31 Release type: Production Firmware version: 4.30 File name: axis241SB.bin Preceding release: 4.20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ==================== The firmware can be upgraded using HTTP or FTP. HTTP ==== 1. Download the upgrade file to a directory that is accessible from your local computer. 2. Go to the product's start page (e.g. 3. Click the Setup link and log in as root (or any other user with Administrator privileges) if you are prompted for a user name and password. You must be logged in as an Administrator to upgrade the unit. 4. Click System Options in the menu to the left. 5. Click Maintenance. 6. Click the Browse button in the Upgrade Server section. 7. Select the upgrade file you downloaded (and maybe decompressed) from our site. This file is typically named 241SB_430.bin or axis241SB.bin. 8. Click the Open button. 9. Click the Upgrade button in the Upgrade Server section. 10. Wait for the flash load to complete, which may take 1-10 minutes. The upgrade procedure is in four steps: Step 1, Shut down: Running applications are shut down and active connections are terminated. Step 2, Uploading firmware: The old firmware will be erased and the new firmware will be saved. After a while the progress of the upgrade will be displayed in the web browser. Step 3, Reboot: The system restarts automatically. Step 4, Reconfiguration: The new firmware settings are configured to match the previous settings. 11. After the upgrade has completed, the unit will automatically initiate the system. FTP === 1. You must be at the command prompt and in the directory that contains the upgrade file. Example: C:\Axis\241SB\4_30> 2. From the command prompt, open an FTP connection to the unit you wish to upgrade. (Do not use a "Windows" based FTP-program to do this, use only command line FTP programs!) 3. Log in as root. The default password for the root user is "pass", unless this has been changed by the user. You must be logged in as the root user to upgrade the unit. 4. Change to binary transfer mode by typing "bin" and press enter. 5. Type "hash" and press enter. (This will allow you to see how the upgrade progresses) 6. Type the command "put XXX.bin flash" where XXX.bin is the name of the upgrade file you downloaded (and maybe decompressed) from our site. This file is typically named 241SB_430.bin or axis241SB.bin. 7. Wait for the flash load to complete, which may take 1-10 minutes. The upgrade procedure is in four steps: Step 1, Shut down: Running applications are shut down and active connections are terminated. Step 2, Uploading firmware: The old firmware will be erased and the new firmware will be saved. Step 3, Reboot: The FTP session terminates and the system restarts automatically. Step 4, Reconfiguration: The new firmware settings are configured to match the previous settings. 8. After the upgrade has completed, the unit will automatically initiate the system. RELEASE 4.30 ============ News in 4.30 ============ 4.30:1 Support for de-interlacing in 4CIF resolution which reduces the interlace effects on moving objects in scenery. 4.30:2 Support for Guard Tour that makes it possible to automatically cycle camera movements between different preset positions. 4.30:3 Support for accessing and configuring internal PTZ camera settings via On-screen display. This is driver and camera specific. 4.30:4 Support for managing the camera with SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). SNMP V1, V2c and V3. 4.30:5 New AXIS Media Control, Version 3.32. 4.30:7 A System Overview web page has been introduced giving a quick overview of the status of the AXIS 241SB. 4.30:8 Event handler supports dynamic notification with new format codes. These new format codes affect and can be used in the following cases: The 'Subject' and 'Additional information' fields in E-mail upload/notification The 'Message' fields in HTTP notification The 'Message' field in TCP notification 4.30:9 JavaApplet is now usable in Internet Explorer/Mozilla/Firefox/Safari for MJPEG. Supports Audio transmitted from camera to Client. JavaApplet is also usable for setting up Motion Detection. Can be used for controlling PTZ-movement. Requires JVM (J2SE) 1.4.2 or JRE (J2SE) 5.0. 4.30.10 Quicktime can be selected as viewer for MPEG-4 streams (ie on Windows) and is used by default for other browsers when MPEG-4 is the default video format. Requires that Video Object Type is changed to Simple. Note that Quicktime will, by default, buffer the stream which adds to latency. 4.30:11 User data is now by default excluded from the MPEG-4 GOV header to ensure support by media players such as Real Player. To enable user data, set the UserDataEnabled parameter to "yes" in plain config, and restart the camera. 4.30:12 NAT traversal is added for when your network camera is located on an intranet and you want to make it available from the other side of a NAT router. 4.30.13 Added possibility to set Areas as privacy masking. Improvements in 4.30 ==================== 4.30:14 PTZ movements will notify and disable motion detection during movements. 4.30:15 Zoom-limit from cgi-request is changed to 0-19999 where 0-9999 is analog and 10000-19999 is digital zoom. 4.30:16 Event can now be triggered by change on an input port or when a ptz preset position is reached. 4.30:17 The AXIS Media Control Embedded included with the AXIS 241SB will no longer interfere with the AXIS Media Control supplied in the SDK. 4.30:18 The MPEG-4 decoder installation and the AXIS Media Control installation have been separated. It is possible for the administrator to configure if the MPEG-4 decoder installation is allowed. 4.30:19 The MPEG-4 decoder video quality has been improved. 4.30:20 Virtualinput.cgi can now handle delays the same way as output.cgi. See Http-API for more information. 4.30:21 Network TCP/IP settings are split into Basic TCP/IP settings and Advanced TCP/IP settings. 4.30:22 New HTTP API buffer commands have been added to retrieve several images within one command. 4.30:23 An NTP server can be received from DHCP. 4.30:24 A stability issue that, in some circumstances, could cause the AXIS 241SB to hang has been resolved. 4.30:25 The IP address filtering has been improved to accept or deny addresses in IP address list. 4.30:26 added several new time zones (to a total of 50): GMT-14, GMT-13, Newfoundland, Kathmandu, Rangoon, Norfolk, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall, Tongatapu, Chatham 4.30:27 Possible to remove logmessages about time adjustments by adding -q to TIME_HANDLER_OPTIONS. This is done in file /etc/rc3.d/S51time_handler with script editor. 4.30:28 Use of wildcards supported when listing parameters through HTTP API. 4.30:29 PTZ controlability is improved, especially for joystick mode and latency is reduced. 4.30:30 Some PTZ-controls moved from the live view page to a separate ctrl-panel that also has user defined buttons. 4.30:31 Added axis-cgi/com/ptzconfig.cgi that handles changes on ptz-presets and requires administrator rights instead of user with ptz control rights. It is still possible to change it from ptz.cgi in this release but this will be removed later to increase security. 4.30:32 Improved PTZ Control Queue management with priority levels for different users. 4.30:33 Improvement on ftp upload with overwrite to make it work with more ftp-servers. Corrections in 4.30 =================== 4.30:34 Before uploading an overlay image, the image is checked to see that it is not too big. 4.30:35 Corrected a problem with output.cgi/virtualinput.cgi on some browsers where / and \ would fail to change io-port. 4.30:36 A problem with trigger data in MJPEG header fixed. IO0 (status for digital input 0) and M0 ... Mn (motion detection status for window 0 to n) now works as described at 4.30:37 External sources which cannot be viewed using the current web browser are removed from the list on the Live View page. 4.30:38 The FTP Server can now correct handle changed listen port. 4.30:39 It should now be possible to configure the AXIS 241SB with the maximum number of clients connected. 4.30:40 Verification of allowed characters in an event name or in an event server name has been corrected. 4.30:41 A problem sending emails with large bodies has been corrected. 4.30:42 Corrected an issue with imagesize.cgi where it failed when camera wasn't specified. 4.30:43 Corrected cause of the problem in earlier releases where the AXIS 241SB could deny access to video streams when other clients were requesting frequent snapshots. AXIS Media Control displayed the message: "503 Error: Maximum number of clients reached". 4.30:44 An email upload will no longer include empty files when the number of images in the buffer to upload is less than the images per mail configuration for the event type. 4.30:45 A problem with adding/removing preset positions over slow links has been corrected. 4.30:46 Corrected an issue with serverprestno and name that sometimes made presets created from API unusable. 4.30:47 A problem with FTP upload retries i.e. a retry attempt does not succeed within the event type duration, has been corrected. 4.30:48 A problem monitoring I/O status has been corrected. Known limitations in 4.30 ========================= 4.30:49 When saving a snapshot image, some browsers (e.g. Mozilla) will fetch a new picture and the saved picture will not match the displayed snapshot. 4.30:50 The Mozilla web browser does not always close the image stream properly when leaving the live view page. Restarting the stream can sometimes fail as well. Restarting Mozilla solves these two problems. 4.30:51 Viewing full screen and sequencing through different external video sources with different video streams in a sequence will switch the full screen mode off. 4.30:52 The AXIS Media Control may stop displaying the MPEG-4 stream after the screen saver has been active or the computer has been locked. Workaround: Reload the Live View page. 4.30:53 If using dual screens and moving the AXIS Media Control window from one screen to the other, the MPEG-4 stream may stop updating. Workaround: Reload the Live View page. 4.30:54 A snapshot image of the MPEG-4 stream will not be aspect ratio corrected when using the AXIS Media Control to take the snapshot image while aspect ratio correction is enabled. 4.30:55 The text overlay in a 90/270 degree rotated NTSC image is garbled in both MJPEG and MPEG-4 when the image width is not evenly divisible by 16. 4.30:56 Including format field #b or #B in text overlay will show incorrect bandwidth usage when frame rate is limited for Motion JPEG. 4.30:57 PTZ click in image will not work when using QuickTime as the image viewer. 4.30:58 PTZ click in image coordinates will not be correct in Mozilla when resizing the image using the view size buttons. 4.30:59 Rotated video streams are not rotated in Motion Detection setup. 4.30:60 When starting a new live view stream or when getting a still image, running live view streams and events will be stopped for a short while. 4.30:61 Copying an event configuration does not work properly. Some parameters may not be copied correctly. Please verify each parameter value in the cloned event configuration. 4.30:62 Motion detection windows are adjusted so that their width and height are divisible by 8 (pixels). Application Developer Information ================================= Supported HTTP API Image Resolutions Resolution Exceptions ========== ========== 4CIF 704x576 1) 704x480 2) 2CIFEXP 704x288x2 1) 704x480x2 2) 2CIF 704x288 1) 704x240 2) CIF 352x288 1) 352x240 2) QCIF 176x144 1) 176x120 2) 1) Only available for PAL cameras 2) Only available for NTSC cameras The Axis Video API, RTSP - Interface Specification found at is supported by the AXIS 241SB. The following HTTP API groups are supported by the AXIS 241SB. For more information please refer to the HTTP API specification version 2, available at Group Exceptions ===== ========== General Image and Video PTZ Motion Detection I/O IP filter Serial port Built in templates for dynamic parameters are: Template Group ======== ===== 'event' Event 'ftpaction' Event.E#.Actions 'ftp_config' EventServers.FTP 'httpaction' Event.E#.Actions 'http_config' EventServers.HTTP 'hwaction' Event.E#.Actions 'tcpaction' Event.E#.Actions 'tcp_config' EventServers.TCP 'ptzaction' Event.E#.Actions 'smtpaction' Event.E#.Actions 'motion' Motion 'preset' PTZ.PresetPos 'preset_hidden' PTZ.PresetPos 'button' PTZ.Auxiliary.A#.Button 'user_ctlqueue' PTZ.UserCtlQueue 'guardtour' GuardTour 'tour' GuardTour.G#.Tour 'sequence' Sequence 'source' Sequence.S0.Source 'external_video' ExternalVideo