
Products affected: AXIS 207MW Video Camera

Release date:      2009-03-23

Release type:      Production

Firmware version:  4.44

File name:         207W_4_44.bin

Preceding release: 4.40



The firmware can be upgraded using Axis Camera Management 2.0, HTTP or FTP.
Please follow the instructions from the user's manual, the web page at or the file named 


New features 

4.44:F01 Added Access Logging. This log gathers information on accesses to the 
         product and can be listed anytime from the log pages.

4.44:F02 Added Connection list. It gives an overview of the connections made 
         to the product specifying which IP is connected, the user and protocol 

4.44:F03 Added HTTP Digest Authentication.

4.44:F04 Added Secure Initial Configuration. This makes it possible to enable 
         HTTPS the first time the user accesses the product, i.e. on the same page
         where the root password is defined.

4.44:F05 Added mirroring, i.e. possibility to mirror the video stream. It can be
         configured using VAPIX as well as through the GUI.

4.44:F06 Added a Event monitor function to VAPIX. By using this interface, 
         an application can get information about all trigger information 
         available in the product.

4.44:F07 Added Advanced MJPEG settings (Video&Image -> Advanced). Using these 
         settings, you can easily control the frame size of the JPEG images.
         The compression level is then adjusted automatically if the images 
         for some reason become too large (e.g. sensor noise at night, 
         complex motive).

4.44:F08 Added the setting for a time interval (or delay) between triggered 
         events. This is the minimum time period that the event type must wait 
         after a trigger before it will be possible to trigger it again. 
         The interval starts as soon as the first trigger occurs (see online 
         help for more information).

4.44:F9  Added the setting for a minimum trigger interval before the event is 
         started. This can be used to trigger event after a trigger has been set 
         active for a given amount of time.

4.44:F10 It is now possible to create a separate folder for each event when
         uploading images via FTP. The folder name can include modifiers 
         commonly used in file names (see the online help for more information).
         N.B: This is only possible for triggered events.

4.44:F11 Possibility to display dynamic user text in image text overlay is
         added. Please use the online help file on the camera for more 


4.44:M01 The Server Report has been reformatted, in order to let the most 
         important information come first. In order to avoid incomplete reports, 
         the report is not displayed before its generating is finished.
4.44:M02 The product will perform DST time adjustment according to the new 
         rules valid in the USA. Re-apply and save the time zone and DST setting 
         on the product for changes to take effect.

4.44:M03 New timezone for Venezuela has been added.

4.44:M04 The AXIS Media Control installation has been made to work on
         Windows Vista.

4.44:M05 Improved event handling with regards to stability.

4.44:M06 It is now possible to send TCP Notifications continously.

Corrections in 4.44 since 4.40

4.44:C01 Corrected an issue in the Axis Internet Dynamic DNS functionality.
         The complete server list is now used if the first host name in the 
         list cannot be resolved.

4.44:C02 It is now possible to add more than 12 users with usernames and 
         passwords that have maximum length.

4.44:C03 The embedded HTTP client fills in the Host field in the HTTP header.

4.44:C04 When video stream is stopped don't start motion data stream when adding,
         removing and saving motion windows.

4.44:C05 Only print nc's output if it returns an error code. Otherwise the webpage
         will report that connection failed if the tcp server sends any reply.

4.44:C06 When creating a self signed certificate, if the validity time entered is
         more than the maximal validity (defined on the web page), then set it to
         the maximum, and not to 30.

4.44:C07 Corrected an issue in the Web server so that it now handles manually 
         created certificate files where LF at the end of the file may be missing.

4.44:C08 Corrected an issue regarding time limits for camera connections.
         The connection closed at the right time, but then it immediately 

4.44:C09 Restart_stream.cgi work as expected, i.e. a new I-frame is sent immediately.

4.44:C10 Removes duplicate HTTP header from response to call to /axis-cgi/view/imagesize.cgi.

4.44:C11 A fix for the formatevent error seen in earlier releases has been included.

Known limitations 

4.44:L01 If you choose to rotate the image in the Video & Image setup, be
         aware that the coordinates for motion detection windows created in the
         Motion Detection setup will not be rotated.
         Workaround: When defining motion detection windows, temporarily 
         configure the image for 0 degrees of rotation. Change back to the 
         desired rotation again after having defined the motion windows.

4.44:L02 If you set compression to 0% the frame rate may decrease substantially
         for Motion JPEG for certain scenes. This is because the image size 
         may not exceed 128 KB.
         Workaround: Set the compression to 5% instead. The image quality will
         not suffer noticeably, but the image size will be much smaller.

4.44:L03 Including format field #r, #R, #b or #B in the text overlay will show 
         an incorrect frame rate and bandwidth usage when the frame rate is 
         limited for Motion JPEG.

4.44:L05 Viewing full screen and sequencing through different external video
         sources with different video streams in a sequence will switch the
         full screen mode off.

4.44:L06 The AXIS Media Control may stop displaying the MPEG-4 stream after the
         screensaver has been active, or when the computer has been locked.
         Workaround: Reload the Live View page.

4.44:L07 Using dual screens and moving the AXIS Media Control window from one
         screen to the other can result in unexpected behavior.
         Workaround: Reload the Live View page.

4.44:L08 If viewing the image stream on Mac OS X with Mozilla Firefox using the
	 AXIS Media Java Applet, a third party plug-in may be needed to get the
         browser to use the correct Java version. The Java Embedding
         Plug-in can be found at

4.44:L09 When saving a snapshot image, some Web browsers (e.g. Mozilla) will
         fetch a new picture and the saved picture will not match the displayed

4.44:L10 The Mozilla Web browser does not always close the image stream properly
         when leaving the Live View page. Restarting the stream can sometimes
         fail as well. Restarting Mozilla solves these two problems.

4.44:L11 If the RTSP port is changed when the RTSP server is disabled, 
         then "Unicast RTP" and "RTP over RTSP" will not work in AMC when 
         the RTSP server is enabled again ("RTP over RTSP over HTTP" will
         however work). 
         Workaround: Disable the RTSP server and then re-enable it again.
4.44:L12 Storing multiple parameters simultaneously (with ACM) can trigger 
         unexpected behaviour. The workaround in most cases is to restart the

4.44:L13 When retrieving two (or more) video streams with differing rotations,
         some frames may be of incorrect rotation.

4.44:L14 During http upload the using "+" sign in custom parameter will cause no
         notification to be sent.

4.44:L15 Using special characters in basefilename during http upload might cause 
         strange filenames on the uploaded file. "+" sign will be translated to

4.44:L16 When enabling HTTPS, restarting the camera and entering http://ip the camera will
         not redirect to https://ip but one must enter this explicitly.

4.44:L17 No notification of ip-address change will be received when restarting using
         an ipv6 address.

4.44:L18 In an ad-hoc network with more than one camera, after a powerfail in the network
         the cameras might not automatically merge into a single network when power is 

4.44:L19 Sound might be distorted when having two live views on the same computer using
         MPEG4 with Audio encoding AAC and Multicast/Unicast RTP. 

4.44:L20 Using DHCP for both wired and wireless network can cause delays when switching.
         If WEP or WPA is configured for the wireless network, switching from wirelss
         network to wired can take up to 10 minutes with WPA and around 1.5 minutes with
         WEP or an open connection.

4.44:L21 Connection to WPA or WPA-2 encrypted networks can take several minutes until camera
         has received an IP address.

4.44:L22 Using filenames like "!"#%&(()).jpg" in basefilename for triggered http upload
         can cause folders to be created instead of uploaded files.

Application Developer Information

The AXIS VAPIX API - Application Programming Interface (available at
is supported by the AXIS 207W. 

The following groups are supported by the AXIS 207W. For more information, 
please refer to the AXIS VAPIX HTTP API specification version 2, part of the 
AXIS VAPIX API, available at

Group             Exceptions
=====             ==========
Image and Video   Video status, Bitmap, Image overlay
Motion Detection
IP filter

Built in templates for dynamic parameters are:

Template         Group
========         =====
'event'          Event
'ftpaction'      Event.E#.Actions
'ftp_config'     EventServers.FTP
'httpaction'     Event.E#.Actions
'http_config'    EventServers.HTTP
'hwaction'       Event.E#.Actions
'motion'         Motion
'smtpaction'     Event.E#.Actions
'tcpaction'      Event.E#.Actions
'tcp_config'     EventServers.TCP

Supported AXIS VAPIX API Image Resolutions:

Resolution  Exceptions
==========  ==========
352x288     1)
176x144     1)

1) Not equally scaled